Thursday 6 January 2011

Patty? WHO IS SHE?!?!!

Before you make up your mind as to whether you should be even remotely interested in what I 'Patty' has to say, here's a little something about me...

So, I'm a girl in her 20's who has a bit to say about everything, anything to me is worth exploring and discussing really.

I have immigrated and pursued my studies in two countries, Portugal and England which opened my eyes to quite a few truths about people, places and even myself!

There is always an opportunity and reason for sharing your opinion on something and as I'm not heavilly sedated or somehow programmed to comply with everything I encounter, I intend to do just that.

Drama, Psychology, Sports and Art are just a few of my many interests so if you have a bit of a crave for any of these or anything alike I'm sure you'll find something here to satisfy it. And remember, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are!

; )

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