Saturday 8 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions - do we really need them (that much)?

It's that time of year again!
With Christmas gone we now turn our focus to making the New Year  much better than the one before, somehow.

This sense of novelty makes us  get our heads all worked up with identifying what it is we need to do to renew ourselves too, but should we really be changing every year? Will we ever be able to enjoy the midnight fireworks whilst thinking "well done, now just keep doing what you do."?

Yes, I know most of us need a little something to look forward to in order to face yet another year of whatever it is we do with a little more optimism but if we think about it, how many of the resolutions we settle on have we had on the list before? I'm not saying we don't do them alltogether but perhaps learn to choose more realistic ones. If we did this wouldn't we be gradually perfecting ourselves to a point where a change in habits would no longer be needed?

I may be saying this but I too have things I'd like to improve on this year but to be honest, I'm just a little tired of seeing the same things on my list year in year out! This is when I decided to STOP, breathe and really think about where I have been going was right there in front of me (well behind my eyes really... inside my head ).

All this time I was too focused in changing where I went 'wrong' or failed to succeed, that I forgot to analyse just how many of those shortcomings were actually part of my nature, part of who I am. Now that I have realised this I can fully embrace my annoying ever so persistent differences and shortcomings that keep me from being the self-actualized, almost perfect woman I dream of being one day.

So there you have it, do your lists, post it notes, diary entries, whatever it may be, but remember! the same way you project for the future, introspect and acknowledge the past.
Appreciate what defines you and if you don't like it much then find a way to tame it rather than attempt to discard it because some things, just don't seem to go away.


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