Sunday 21 July 2013

Anthropology at its worst!

   I am sure most of you are aware of the recent coverage of Nelson Mandela's stay in Hospital. I myself was at my local Hospital awaiting to be called in when I saw an interview given by his eldest daughter, Makaziwe Mandela , on how well or not he was doing. I was surprised to see that this opportunity to appear on television was used not solely to inform the viewers of her Fathers wellbeing but also to express the family's frustration at the increasing invasion of privacy by the press.

   What was even more shocking to me was how of the entire interview (which lasted around 15 mins!) only the few seconds during which she said, and I quote, "...But I think that for us as children and grandchildren we still have hope because when we talk to him he'll try to open his eyes ... When you touch him he still responds." were actually used for the segment on TV. Any other person just randomly switching on the News after a long days work would not be aware of the controversy (and I use the term very loosely here) raised by her accusations.
    As soon as I got home I went online to look for the full interview on the BBC website as it was the News station I was watching the exert on. Once there, I had to select BBC World, then the BBC Africa tab and then scroll down to find the link to the South African News Channel that actually carried out the interview itself!!! Now I ask you, in the MILLIONS that watched the news that day, HOW MANY HAD THE WILL POWER TO SEARCH FOR AND SIT THROUGH THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND MAKAZIWES' POINT OF VIEW???

  So here it is, the main comparison that was made was of how the media were being like ''vultures'' by refusing to leave the Hospital Grounds despite several requests by both staff and family themselves being made, and how the same scenes would not even be conceivable here in England whilst the late Margaret Thatcher was hospitalized herself.

This comparison has now been said to have been RACIST. Now is this not plain ass IGNORANCE fuelled by the media who decided to brand it a 'controversial topic' and 'out of touch' view? How can you expect to enter someone else's Country and Culture and carry yourself as though you were back home, totally disregarding local custom and tradition.

   It absolutely baffles me how the BBC among other Corporations are capable of researching and finding out about private family matters on the Mandela family, such as the recent coverage on the dispute over the burial site of some of Mandela's children, and not on how to conduct themselves when dealing with the illness or death of an elder according to local culture. It is as though you are calling on death to present itself by anxiously waiting around for news and constantly addressing it.
The negative energy that we generate by unconsciously 'expecting' the worst is more than enough to affect the result of any situation. Surely this is not what is needed at a sensitive time such as this.

   Anyway, I surely could go no but as many people truly believe what is shown on television with all their strength and take it as absolute truth, this little View that I hold may not be nothing but a silly little rant to most. In my opinion, it wouldn't even surprise me if Mandela was actually dead from some time ago, the announcement of his passing however may well be in holding for revelation at a more opportunistic time in line with some next alteration of the 'world news' for added effect. Some next rioting or whatever that is being prepared in advance to then be able to say it is due to the community reaction to the loss of such an iconic figure, who knows?

    Either way, I shall leave you with a quote, ''The purpose of Anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences''- Ruth Benedict. (THINK ABOUT IT)

Thursday 27 June 2013

Je suis de retour!!

I.m Back!

   Hello again dearest (deserted) Blog and fellow Bloggers! I know it has been absolute aaages since my last post but it seems life has finally pressed on the breaks and given me time for a breather.
   Hmm..where shall I start? I have since finished Uni and moved away from the sleepy town that is Northampton. Pedders and I (plus the little bundle of joy Tyson..our pup) are now living in Nottinghamshire.
We have actually been here for a good while and it doesn.t look like we will be moving any time soon, which for my nomadic self here is a pretty great achievement! As we are relatively settled into our new Home I can actually take some time out to reflect on the many things that have been driving me mad over the past months (prepare for some passionate writing over the next few posts).
    With my Mother literally in a whole other continent and having to fend for myself, my eyes and ears have opened like a blossoming flower. There is literally quite a lot that goes on right under our noses and because we are so used to the "stench" we hardly notice the shit around us! is hoping all has been well with you and that you enjoy my future posts.
P.S- They should at the very least make you question yourself regarding your own perspective on things, after all "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."-Aristotle.